What are computer work-related complaints, and what can you do about them?
Working in front of a computer for long periods of time can cause health problems and almost always leads to complaints. Long-term computer work is defined as a period of more than 6 hours. Complaints that can arise are arm, neck and shoulder complaints. These are also referred to as RSI complaints. In this blog, you will discover exactly what VDU related complaints are, how you can prevent them and which simple tips you can apply immediately to work more comfortably and healthily.
What problems arise from working at a computer screen for too long?
Working at a computer screen can lead to various health problems. We have listed them for you below.
- Problems with the arms, neck and shoulders, also known as RSI. These problems include pain, cramps, tingling and loss of strength in these areas.
- Eye fatigue, blurred vision and dry eyes.
- Headaches. These mainly occur in the back of the head and are often caused by neck tension.
- Sitting in the same position for too long can cause problems.
- Wrist problems can be caused by repetitive movements.
- Mental health problems, such as stress and sleep disorders.

What causes these complaints?
There are several causes for complaints related to computer work. These complaints are often caused by long-term static loads on the muscles and repetitive movements such as typing. Poor posture and an unsuitable work environment also lead to complaints related to computer work. In addition, factors such as high work pressure and a lack of breaks and variety have a negative impact and can cause or worsen complaints.
How do you prevent complaints related to computer work?
To prevent complaints from working with a computer screen and improve your work attitude, you can take the following steps:
1. Set up your workstation ergonomically
- Place your screen at eye level or slightly below, directly in front of you at about an arm's length away.
- Place your keyboard and mouse within easy reach.
- Use a good office chair with the correct height settings.

2. Take regular breaks
- Take a short break after every 20 minutes of intensive work on a screen.
- Take a longer break of 10-15 minutes after a maximum of two hours of screen work.
3. Move regularly
- Get up every hour to walk around or do some simple stretching exercises.
- Alternate sitting work with standing work, for example with a height-adjustable desk.
4. Pay attention to your sitting posture
- Make sure your feet are firmly on the ground.
- Keep your knees lower than your hips.
- Lean back slightly against the backrest.
5. Vary your working position
- Change position regularly.
- Alternate tasks to prevent one-sided strain.
6. Use tools
- Use a wrist rest for the keyboard for proper support.
7. Listen to your body
- Immediately adjust your posture if you feel pain or discomfort.
By applying these tips, you can improve your work posture and significantly reduce the risk of complaints from working on a computer screen.
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