How do you increase your concentration in the workplace?
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How do you increase your concentration in the workplace?

Good concentration at work is often more difficult than you think. Distractions quickly lurk and prevent you from finishing your work on time. Yet, you need the necessary focus to complete all tasks successfully and on time. Below, we will give you a few tips to ensure that your concentration is optimal and thus enable you to complete more work within the desired time. Read on quickly below.

1. Start with important tasks

Every day, you have important and less important things to do at work. In the morning, when you start your day, map out what you have to do that day and then start with the most important. Often, in the morning, you are still completely fresh, and your concentration level is still optimal.

2. Avoid multitasking

You may think it's very nice that you can multitask so well, but try to avoid this as much as possible. By doing many things at once, you will lose track of things. It is better to start and finish one task before starting a new one.

3. Clean up your workplace

Are you the kind of person who has a desk full of leaves, post-its, empty coffee mugs, paper-clips and pens? Tidy it up! A tidy desk makes for a clearer head. And this, in turn, improves concentration.

increase concentration in the workplace

4. Draw up a to-do list

Start the day by drawing up a to-do list. This will give you an overview and also calm you down again. By writing everything down, you don't have to think about what still needs to be done. Because all the tasks are now no longer going through your head, your ability to concentrate will improve considerably.

5. Take regular breaks

Working for hours on end without taking a break is not a good idea. Nobody can work with concentration for hours on end. So take regular breaks. Take a walk, get a drink or have a chat with your colleagues. When you return to your workplace, you will find that you look at your work with fresh eyes again.

6. Check your mails at fixed times of the day

You are probably used to checking your mailbox several times a day. And then immediately respond to incoming mails. Yet, it is better not to do this. Rather, check your inbox only three times a day. Once in the morning, once before lunch and once at the end of the working day. This makes for far fewer distractions and better concentration.

7. Put your phone away or set it to ‘do not disturb’

It is probably an open door, but it is incredibly important to put your phone away or at least set it to ‘do not disturb’. Your phone is incredibly distracting, which does not help your concentration.

8. Choose ergonomic products

When you choose an ergonomic office chair and an ergonomic desk, you are always sitting in the right position. Ergonomic workstations reduce fatigue and physical discomfort, which improves concentration and increases productivity.

increase concentration workplace

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